- Seven Oscar winners This film presents a fantasy story of World War II. The film depicts the terror of the Japanese and the skills of the British against it, when the world war is usually about Europe-America. What is the principle and discipline for soldiers? In war, the battle of making decisions from the heart or from the mind ... etc. is also seen here.
- The film, which was nominated for eight Oscars, won seven Oscars. For the last scene of the film, producer David actually built a bridge and blew it up with a real explosion.
- Director: David Lynn Cast: Alec Guinness, Sesuu Hayakawa, William Holden, Jack Hawkins Release: December 1957 Length: 161 minutes
World War II was fought on two fronts, one in Europe and the other in Asia. Japan was spreading its wings in Asia. Wherever the British ruled, the Japanese occupied and occupied the country. Instead, Japanese power reached as far as Burma. The railway between Bangkok and Rangoon, which cut through the dense forests of Burma, was wrecked. Prisoners of war were used as laborers in that operation. A hill on one side, a dense forest on the other side, a river-ditch on the third side. Some British soldiers were also brought here in 18 as prisoners of war. The leader of the British contingent was Lieutenant Colonel Nicholson.
The camp was managed by Japanese Colonel Seito. The short-sleeved Saito greeted British prisoners of war with a military salute. He climbed on the stool and gave a short speech, the essence of which was that you are all prisoners here, judge from tomorrow morning. There is a river Kawai near here, you have to take a shovel-trikam-tagara to build a bridge over it.
Nicholson objected, saying that under the Geneva Conventions, labor could not be obtained from an Army officer, but from soldiers. There is a difference between a prisoner of war and a prisoner of war, prisoners of war have to be given some rights. Of course, such rights are usually forgotten after captivity. Colonel Seito told the prisoners of war that this was a camp, but there was no mobile fence, no special outposts, no other obstacles to escape, as we were in an island-like area. Also the forest is very dense. You will run away from here .. then you will go straight up.
The next morning the soldiers went to work, but the British officers did not go to work. The officers were not even going to leave until Lieutenant Nicholson's order was received. Saito told Nicholson in a commanding tone that it was my turn to obey. Saito also planned to shoot the officers if they did not go to work. But he said he could witness many atrocities. So the middle ground. The camp had two huts made of leaves, one for Nicholson and the other for his officers. The leaves of the hut were burning when it was sunny.
Seito was adamant in his decision, while Nicholson was adamant in his decision. The British medical officer went to see Colonel Clipton and Nicholson, who was on leave from Seito. At that point, he tried to persuade Nicholson to listen to Seito, and the rest of your life was in danger. Nicholson said I am a soldier, I have my principles as a soldier, I will not compromise with him. It has to happen. Seito learns that Nicholson is ready to die, but is not ready to believe his word. So his confusion was growing. Because the wooden bridge over the river was not completed on time, the British prisoners were in a lot of trouble.
The military uniforms of officers, including Nicholson, were torn after being captured in the camp. But his firmness was not diminished in the slightest. After realizing that Nicholson would not bow down, Saito made his way between them. Japan conquered Russia in 1904, the day of its victory came. That day he called Nicholson and announced that in the joy of the victory-date I would relieve you, your officers, from work. But if the bridge is not completed on time, I will die. In front Nicholas offered Saito. Make the work of the bridge as we call it, as I have with me officers who have built bridges over many rivers in India. Seito agreed.
British officers and Saito were arranged around the table in the hut with the special facilities of Saito. Maps of the bridge were prepared, it was also decided to change the location of the bridge, as the bridge was being built in the wrong place. At the same time, the British officers got the freedom to work and also to employ the Japanese who were beating the dough ... All such conditions were approved by Saito. Work began. Some British officers also asked why we help the enemy. Nicholas replied that the British troops would obey my orders. Saito will keep us free only if we work now. This is the only way for the work to continue, the moral strength of the soldiers to be maintained and our duty as prisoners of war to be fulfilled.
Work began according to the new design. Where Japanese officers commanded, British officers took over the bow. The British troops did not mind working cooperatively with them. As Lieutenant Nicholson himself was now in charge of the bridge.
The camp already had some British, some American soldiers. Three of the soldiers tried to flee one day, two were shot dead, but Lieutenant Commander Shears of the U.S. Navy had the advantage of being stranded with water. Moving on, he reached a Burmese village. The Burmese who hated the Japanese helped Shears, giving him a boat. The boat soon caught the attention of a British patrol. He rescued Shears and treated him at a British base in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) with facilities including a hospital.
Was the Major Warden of the British headquarters. What if the ward planned to demolish the bridge before the Japanese could use it? Lieutenant Shears was initially unprepared for the mission, but later said yes and the team was ready. It was decided that the soldiers would land at a safe distance by parachute. Walk from there to the bridge, blow up the bridge. A parachute team landed at a village with a total of 8 members. But one member died on landing. Three advanced, Major Warden, Lieutenant Shears and Canadian soldier Joyce.
The protagonist and some women from a village in Burma joined him. The women were forest savvy, tough. On the way, they met a group of Japanese soldiers, but they were killed. The warden's leg was injured in the encounter. Still slowly approached the bridge. Arranged explosives under the bridge. It was decided to blow up the first time the train left the bridge so that both the bridge and the railway would go, the enemy would be hit twice.
Nicholson, who had built the bridge, was naturally unaware of his own military comrades' plans to blow up the bridge. So as they were passing over the bridge, the ropes in the water came to their attention. Went downstairs with Seito to see the rope. The ropes were made of explosives. Eventually the situation escalated to the point that the bridge exploded, but Nicholson himself was seriously injured. The Japanese soldiers were undoubtedly killed in large numbers, and the train derailed before the train reached the opposite end for the first time.
David Lynn is counted among the best directors in Hollywood, while the film is counted among the best films. Aspects of war, enmity, policy of dealing with enemies, Japanese atrocities etc. are presented in this film. The film, which was nominated for eight Oscars, won seven Oscars. For the last scene of the film, producer David actually built a bridge and blew it up with a real explosion.
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