Shah Rukh Khan's wife Gori Khan distributed 95 thousand food packets

(By Representative) Mumbai, Ta. April 15, 2020, Wednesday

The number of people infected with the corona virus in India is increasing rapidly. Now, the lockdown is till May 3, so people are not starving. Shahrukh Khan's wife Gauri has also come forward.

Gori Khan made this known by posting a post on her Instagram account on social media. He has shared a post, in which he writes about distributing 3,000 food packets. Apart from Gaia, a map is also appearing in the post. He also wrote the caption that, in collaboration with the Mir Foundation, the distribution of food to 4 thousand poor people of Mumbai, this is still the beginning.

Shah Rukh and Gori have already financed six of their organizations. Also, Shah Rukh has recently donated a PPC kit to BMC.
